
Enriched OSM POI Data

The Poidata.xyz Enriched OSM POI Data is made available under the Open Database License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/

Poi Data

About OSM Enriched Data

OpenStreetMap has been offering a free dataset of points of interest for several years, governed by the Open Database License (ODbL).

However, it's important to note that this dataset may contain outdated or inaccurate POI records. To address these issues and provide a more comprehensive resource, the Poidata.xyz Enriched OSM POI Data has been developed as an upgraded iteration of the original dataset.

The enhancements in this enriched dataset encompass various improvements, including:

  • Enhanced categorization of POIs.
  • Improved accuracy of geo-location information.
  • Standardized hours of operation for POIs.
  • Inclusion of source URLs pointing to the most authoritative data sources that contributed to these updates.
In summary, the Poidata.xyz Enriched OSM POI Data aims to provide a more reliable and informative dataset compared to the original OpenStreetMap dataset.

Our process flow:

A new POI comes into existence. It could be a bar, a stadium, a museum, a restaurant, a cinema, or store, etc.. In today's interconnected world its information will appear very quickly in social media, pictures, websites, press releases. Soon after that, our systems will pick it up, match it against an existing OSM POI record, and merge them into an enhanced POI record.

Poi extraction process

We trust that you will find this dataset valuable and invite you to actively participate in its ongoing enhancement. Your feedback is crucial to us, so please don't hesitate to share your input with us at [email protected]. Together, we can continue to improve this resource for the benefit of all.

data attributes

Attribute NameDescription
OSM_IDThe unique Openstreetmap ID
OSM_LATThe OSM Latitude
OSM_LONThe OSM Longitude
UIDThe unique Poidata.xyz ID
COUNTRY_NAMEThe full country name
supercategoryThe general category name
main_categoryThe main category
second_categoryThe secondary category
poi_nameThe poidata.xyz poi name
LONThe poidata.xyz longitude
LATThe poidata.xyz latitude
BRAND_NAMEThe Brand Name
ProvinceThe Province, Region or State name
CITYThe city name
Street_AddressThe name of the street
NeighborhoodThe neighborhood name
HOUSE_NUMBERThe street number
FULL_AddressThe full address combining all location elements
PHONEThe phone number
POSTALThe postal or zip code
EMAILThe crawled email address
OPEN_HOURSThe hours of operation
Source_URLThe source url
Crawl_TimeThe timestamp when this POI was crawled and verified as active
Confidence_LevelThe estimated confidence level in the accuracy of these data attributes
location_idInteger id of the geo location of the POI with a resolution of 10 metres. This 11 digit integer represents the center of a grid square that can be converted back to latitude,longitude using the geocode.xyz API. For example: 94160779978 You can also edit the POI record on OSM via the geocode.xyz location_id link.
area_idInteger id of the general area (city/neighborhoods) of the POI location
small_area_idInteger id of the specific area (a small collection of city blocks) of the POI location. This is useful for grouping together Points of Interest that are for example in the same Airport or Mall.